Initial Fitness Assessment

At your first consultation, I will begin by asking a series of questions pertaining to your health as well as your previous fitness history. During this time I will take your measurements, check your weight, and do a body fat analysis. We will also discuss your current dietary patterns at which time I will offer nutritional advice.  This is the time we establish what your fitness goals are so that I can set up a realistic program based on your needs. This is a very crucial step that must take place before starting any exercise program.


One-On-One Personal Training

This is the best way for you to improve yourself both physically and mentally.  When we train in this manner, I get to know how you work as an individual.  As a result, I am able to push and motivate you with what works best for you.  Whether your goal is weight loss, decreasing body fat, getting leaner, stress management, or to simply look and feel better, this is the program for you.


Body Fat, Weight, & Measurements

Whichever Personal Training Program you choose will consist of re-checking your body fat, weight, and recording measurements. These will be taken bi-weekly to monitor how you are improving in your new exercise program.


Optimum Nutritional Advice

Nutrition is a very important component of any fitness routine and is included in any Personal Training Program. During the course of our training I will provide you with nutrition advice and will require you to write down your food intake on a daily basis. Doing so allows me to monitor your progress and help you set realistic goals.

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